Annual Business Meeting

Mark your calendars now for our annual business meeting on Sunday February, 25th at 6pm. If you will be unable to attend due to illness, work or because you will be out of town, you can obtain an absentee ballot from Debbie or from a deacon from Thursday Feb 22-Sun Feb 25th.
40 Days of Prayer
We are inviting everyone in church to join us for a 40 Days of Prayer challenge beginning tomorrow, February 14th and ending March 29th. We are adding opportunities for prayer at the church during this time
Sunday and Wednesday 8am
Sunday and Wednesday 6pm
Please join us tomorrow at 6pm for prayer!
Also, we have limited books available!
Prather Staff Lunch

This Friday, February 16th, is our school district’s next early dismissal day. We will be feeding the staff members at Prather school Beef Vegetable Soup this time! We still need 2 people to make 4 quarts of their own homemade beef vegetable soup and deliver it to us on Thursday, February 15th and we will deliver it on Friday, along with salad and bread. If you can make soup, please call the church office, and let Debbie know.
Forever Young Luncheon

Forever Young is having their next luncheon on Wednesday, February 21, following the 10:30 service. The main dish will be pizza. There will be a sign up sheet out on the Welcome Desk in the foyer for the sides.