Week of Prayer

January 7-13 is our week of prayer. Every year, we take time to pray for God’s direction, wisdom, favor and guidance. We will have a devotional printed up that you can use to help you as a guide for each days prayer focus. This is a
Community Revival

Our Community Revival is January 14-17. Please note that the location has changed to Calvary Life Church. More details to come.
Forever Young

Forever Young is back beginning next Wednesday, January 10th! Pastor Byron will resume weekly meetings again! Please note that services are being moved back to the 10:30 time.
Winter Weather

When the weather is questionable, we may have to cancel service. We want to make sure that you are made aware of that happening. Please call the church office, watch your email and our social media pages if you believe service might be cancelled. For our midweek services, if school is cancelled, then our services are cancelled as well.