Thursday Men’s Group…
Not just for men this week!
This Thursday, March 30, the regular men’s group is opening up for anyone and everyone to come and hear the powerful testimony from Dale Dickey of his wife’s healing. There will be donuts and coffee for all who come and the group will be meeting in the fellowship hall. Please contact JC Markell if you have any questions and to let him know you plan to attend.
Mosaic Baby Bottles
If you took a baby bottle home to fill for Mosaic Pregnancy Center, please return them as soon as possible so that we can get them to the Center.
Easter Outreach: Thank you to those who have already let Tiyler know you will be able to volunteer to serve at our Easter outreach! We also appreciate the candy that has been donated but we are in need of A LOT more. Please bring your donations of individually wrapped candy (that will fit into regular sized plastic eggs) and place them in our M&M friends in the foyer.

Get your tacos ordered and tell your friends to preorder theirs as well so we can have a good measure on how much to prepare. Use the Facebook event page (linked in photo above) to invite everyone you know! If you need preorder forms, you can get them at the welcome center or find a picture of it on the event page.