All Church Fundraiser
Benefitting Children’s Ministries

You can help us make this fundraiser a huge success by sharing the information, adding people to the Facebook event, and helping us pre-sell tacos! For more information on how you can get involved, please contact Kathi Ritchie.
Come back out on Sunday evening as we continue our study through the book of Acts.
Do you love our Refuge Students?
See Pastor Geof to order your shirt today!
Also, those who have purchased tickets to the Bethel Worship Night need to turn their money in asap.
Also, those who have purchased tickets to the Bethel Worship Night need to turn their money in asap.
Check out what’s new in First Cup!

Coffee Cozees: These fun coffee sleeves are available for sale for $3 each through First Cup Cafe located inside the Grand Avenue entrance at GCFIRST and are made by Kathy Wampler. Proceeds go to support the Missions of First Cup–Project Rescue.