Follies Tickets and Help Crews!

This weekend is our Follies! Tickets are still available but only until Friday! Let us know ASAP! We are also trying to get crews together who can help in the kitchen on Saturday night and with clean up on Sunday after the final show. Please contact Kathi Ritchie to volunteer.
Forever Young Luncheon

There will be a sign up sheet out on the welcome center for the luncheon on December 13th! Our special guest will be Louie Salazar! We will also have a white elephant gift exchange! Make sure you get your name down so we know how many people to plan to expect!
Our Schools Matter

We are feeding the staff at Prather school this Friday! This is a wonderful way for us to reach out and build relationships with the staff there!
Special Christmas Eve Missions Offering

We will be receiving a special Missions offering on Christmas Eve Sunday to send to our Missionaries! Please be planning to give in this special offering.