Back to School!

Students return back to school next week! Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Greenwald sent out a letter saying this “A successful school year cannot take place without the power of prayer. I am asking for your special blessings and daily prayers for our safety and God to guide our wisdom and knowledge.” Would you commit with us to lift our school leaders and students in prayer?
Prather Volunteers needed!

A need has arisen in Prather School, where we have been making a connection. They are in desperate need of volunteers in the mornings, especially in the beginning of the school year, to help the young students(preK and Kindergarten) get to their correct rooms and lockers, tie tennis shoes, open milk cartons, etc. If you would like to volunteer, Angie has forms for a background check in her office. They need to be filled out and then returned to the school. Please don’t wait to get yours in so the principal can rest assured that everything is covered. What a great way to minister to the staff there by helping to ease their load a little bit!
Back to Church Sunday

Save the date! Back to church Sunday is September 17! Who can you invite to come back to church this year? Start praying about it now!