Saying Farewell

Thank you, Pastor Bri!
Pastor Bri’s internship at GCF has come to a close and she has accepted a position at Metro East Assembly of God. On February 5 during half-time at our Big Game Party, we will be blessing Pastor Bri with prayer and invite all of you to bring a card to encourage and thank her for her service here.
Are You Ready For Some Football: The big screen will be ready, the couches in place, Fitz’s rootbeer on ice and Gus’ pretzels for snacking beginning at 5pm on February 5! In typical football fashion we’ll be going with a tailgating theme and ask you to bring your favorite tailgate snack to share. Even if you don’t like football, this is a great night of fun and fellowship. Tables will be set up around the room for board games and conversation.
Spring Semester

Focus and Life Groups
Live, Grow & Serve: February marks the beginning of the spring semester of Focus and Life Groups. Many groups will begin February 7 and 8. The Groups Kiosk in the process of being updated so please check over the next two weeks for information on available groups to join.
Sunday Nights at GCF

Beginning February 12, we’ll be adding a weekly Sunday night Bible study to our calendar! This will be in addition to our Welcome to the Family classes and Snacks with the Staff that take place on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays each month.
Save the Date…