Sunday Night Services

Join us beginning this Sunday at 6pm for a time of powerful prayer, teaching and prophecy!! You won’t want to miss it!
See You at the Pole 2017

Our See You at the Pole pre-rally is Tuesday, September 26th at 6:30 at the flagpole in front of the high school. See You at the Pole prayer is Wednesday, September 27th at the following times:
GCHS 7:30
Coolidge Middle School 7:50
Grigsby 7:30
Wednesday Night is our Saw You at the Pole Rally also at 6:30 at the High school Flag pole. Dinner and transportation is provided both nights.
No Forever Young Services in September

Due to Pastor Byron being called back to work on the day shift, there will be no Forever Young services for the month of September. Staff will regroup in October to see what the plan will be going forward.
Taco Fundraiser

Our next Taco Fundraiser is October 7th! Please see Kathi Ritchie to let her know how you can help!