See You at the Pole ’17

Our See You at the Pole pre-rally is tonight at 6:30 at the flagpole in front of the high school. See You at the Pole prayer is Wednesday, September 27th at the following times:
GCHS 7:30
Coolidge Middle School 7:50
Grigsby 7:30
Grigsby 7:30
Wednesday Night is our Saw You at the Pole Rally also at 6:30 at the High school Flag pole. Dinner and transportation is provided both nights.
It’s Time for Tacos!!

Our next Taco Fundraiser is October 7th! Please see Kathi Ritchie to let her know how you can help!
October is Missions Month!!

October is Missions month here at GCFirst! We have a lot of exciting things planned at the end of the month with our Missions Convention! Be sure to keep your eyes out for the schedule of things to come!
Trunk or Treat!

It’s time to start bringing in candy for our Trunk or Treat outreach! Our goal is to fill the black barrel in the foyer, twice! Let’s try our hardest to make that happen!
Sunday Night Services

Join us on Sunday evenings at 6pm for a time of powerful prayer!! You don’t want to miss it!