We will also have a prayer and worship service on Sunday, 9/27 at 6pm.
WM Retreat
October 2-3
At the Spalding Farm
Women’s Ministry is hosting a fall retreat! The cost is $30 per person and space is limited. If you would like to attend, please sign up at the welcome center and take care of your registration fee. If you have any questions, please see Shannan Markell or Cindy Keen.

2015 Missions Convention
October 17-25
Upcoming P365 Events
Youth: We just want to keep parents and students informed on what’s going on with P365. Many of you may not be aware that we have a weekly email JUST FOR P365 Student Ministries that is sent out, just like this one! You can sign up for it on the youth page of the website or our facebook page!

Tomorrow morning, students will be gathering around their school’s flagpoles all over the nation to pray for their schools, peers, communities and country. Here in Granite City, prayer begins at 7am at the GCHS Football Stadium Flagpole. Coolidge prayer begins at 8:05 and Grigsby at 8:15.
Tomorrow evening we are excite to host the BE THE CHANGE TOUR featuring OBB, ShineBright and All Things New. The fun begins around 6pm and the ride arrangements are the same.
Come out and have some free food, fun and play some games! Then stay and encounter the presence of God!

Early Registration: $59 On Site Registration: $80 Hotel: $15
Momentum is a compact, high impact weekend that provides an opportunity for students to connect with Christ and each other.
This year, our guest speaker is Pastor Choco de Jesus, pastor of New Life Covenant Church in Chicago, IL and one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people in 2013. Worship will be lead by Worth Dying For, with a special concert by KB, christian rap artist, on Friday evening.We previously announced, “To help us with our registration, if you plan on attending, please pay a $25 Non-Refundable deposit by September 9. The remaining $34 will be due September 26.”
If you did not pay a deposit but still want to go, it’s not too late! Get your registration in to PS by September 26.
Hotel money is not due until November 4. At this time, due to our baked potato fundraiser, hotel cost has been reduced to $15 per student!
More details will be sent home as we get closer to the date!

Breakaway One Day
We are also excited that Jon is bringing his worship team from Remix (they are unbelievable).
Here’s the deal… $10/ Student to help cover the cost of lunch and Dinner (CHICK-FIL-A!!!). Two main sessions/ workshops/ team competition/ and a breakout session for leaders with Pastor Jon.
“Our heart behind doing this is to provide a cheap, but sharp experience for churches in the South Region to give us some “pre momentum momentum.”
I will need a head count from you guys a week before the event. That is like, NOW!!!
If your student would like to attend, let PS know ASAP!!

Students are walking 8.1 miles so missionaries don’t have to! You can join the effort by sponsoring a participating student or walking yourself! The cost to walk is a minimum of $10 in sponsors or donation.