We’re So Close!

We thank you for all you have done already and we are excited to get to work!
Sunday, 5pm
Game Day: Whether you love football and can’t wait to watch the game or you love sitting at a table with friends, talking and playing games, our Big Game party is the place for you!
Come on out, invite some friends and enjoy pretzels from Gus’ Pretzels, root beer from Fitz’s and the biggest game of the season on a giant screen! At GCFirst, we love to worship, we love to be in the presence of God and we love to fellowship. We also love to be a part of making a difference in the world so why should an event like this go by without us doing just that?
This year, we are partnering with F.R.E.E. International to make a difference in the lives of those who have been victims of human trafficking.
For this year’s party, we ask that you come and bring a tailgate snack to share and that you pray about bringing an offering that we can send to show our support of the work F.R.E.E International is doing!
City Revival
Don’t forget to come out to Word of Life Tabernacle on Maryville for the annual City Wide Revival. Tonight, the services continue at 7pm with Pastor Sharon Archer from Solid Rock, and tomorrow, Pastor Mark Maynard will wrap us up. God is using our local pastors to speak truth and challenge us. Let’s be a part of what He’s doing and longing to do as His people come together to seek His face.
Child care is available.