Prayer Focus
Every day during this week, you will find the prayer focus for the day via the e-update, prayer email or social media. The focuses are:
Pray that all Christ-followers will understand that to know Jesus Christ
as Savior is the basic right of every child, youth, and adult on earth.
Pray that the silence of apathy and complacency will be broken as
Christians across the nation share their faith with people who do not
know Christ.
Pray that the present generation of youth will abide in Jesus, abandon
their will to Him, and advocate for the lost, setting an example for all
generations to follow.
Pray that intercessors will arise who pray earnestly for the lost and then
share the gospel with them at every opportunity.
Pray that all Christ-followers will become passionate about seeing people
in every country and culture come to truly know Jesus.
Pray that a powerful move of the Holy Spirit will accelerate this church
toward the greatest evangelism the world has ever known.
Pray that this generation will fulfill the Great Commission.
