“The key to change involves acknowledging we are the Spirit’s people…We are charged to be filled with the Spirit. The alternative assumption is that we only allow the Spirit to partially dwell in us when we need to allow Him free access to every part of of us. ”
Dr. George O. Wood, Living in the Spirit
Refreshed, Renewed and Revived!
Sunday, May 31, 9:30 and 11:15am and 6pm
Holy Spirit, You Are Welcome Here: There are moments in our walk with Christ that are pinnacle…realizing our need for His forgiveness, accepting Him as Savior, being baptized in the Spirit and many other moments become pivotal in our lives for elevating us to the next level of maturity in our walk.
We encourage students to attend camp and youth convention to help them have those moments but it is just as important for adults to take time to do the same.
Any time we gather we should expect to encounter God in new and fresh ways, however, sometimes we need to be especially intentional in taking the time and creating the space in our lives for this to happen. This is what we are doing this Sunday at GCFirst by hosting special guest speaker, Will Jones.
We encourage you to not just come to church on Sunday but to come with an expectation and a hunger for a move of God that will refresh your heart and soul!
Send Students to Camp!
Every year we do what we can to send students to Breakaway camps. The opportunities for you help are here! Be sure to mark your calendars!
Print this ticket off or grab one from the welcome center and enjoy dinner at Burger King while you support youth who want to go to camp! You have another opportunity to help by supporting the youth car wash!