Forever Young
Pastor Byron would just like to remind you that on Wednesday, November 11, Pastor Dale Edwards will be speaking in the service at 10:30 am. We hope you can attend!
Wednesday, December 9 is the Forever Young Christmas Lunch! The cost is $7 per person and you can sign up and pay at the welcome center. There will be special music and a white elephant gift exchange for those who want to participate.
Women’s Ministry
The ladies would like to thank you for being supportive of the collections going on for the shoeboxes and for the hats, gloves and soup drive. They are excited to say they received enough donations to do at least 25 boxes. What they need now is some help in shipping. The cost to ship one box is $7. If you would like to donate towards the cost of shipping these boxes, please see Carla Heuer or Judy Zeisset.
P365 Student Ministries
Tickets for the 3rd Annual Fa-La-La-La Follies will be on sale this week! Be sure to see one of the students if you’d like to purchase any for either the Saturday dinner or the Sunday Matinee. Limited VIP seating is available for Saturday night by seeing Pastor Stacey.

The week of Thanksgiving there will be no services on Wednesday and the office will be closed Wednesday-Friday. Enjoy your time with family!