The calendar is full and the season is bright!
Don’t miss out on the many opportunities to celebrate the reason for the season here at GCFirst!

It’s Time To Celebrate!
Christmas: We are looking forward to December 7th when we have the privilege of watching GCFirst Kids present the message of Christmas through an amazing musical! A Rockin’ Royal Christmas begins at 6pm and will be followed by a finger food fellowship in the fellowship hall. There is a sign-up sheet located at the welcome center if you would like to bring a finger food or cookies to help make this fellowship wonderful!
P365 is excited to host it’s 2nd Annual FaLaLaLa Follies Christmas Dinner Theater on December 13 at 6pm. The tickets are selling fast! Make sure you get yours from students this week!
Our Christmas Eve Candlelight service is always a special way to begin your family holiday celebrations. We invite you to come out on December 24 at 6pm for an intimate time of reflection this Christmas season.
There will be no office hours or regular midweek services December 22-26.
December 28 we will have one combined service at 9:30am.
There will be no regular midweek services on December 31.