October 20-27man·date (ˈmanˌdāt): an official order or commission to do something. the authority to carry out a policy or course of action, regarded as given by the electorate to a candidate or party that is victorious in an election.
The Biblical mandate that has been given from God to His children is the command to go and tell! Our role in completing that mandate can look like many things. It can be going to foreign countries for years or just a few months, maybe even only a couple of weeks. It can be traveling our very own country ministering to the lost and broken. It can be in our own city! But one thing is for sure for everyone who calls themselves a believer, we are all called to support. Don’t miss out on the many opportunities that are before you this week to hear about all God is doing both through US Missions and World Missions from those who are on the front lines. There are still times available for you to be a part. Tuesday 10/22- 6:30pm Missionary Home Groups
Host: Ken and Judy Andrews
Missionary Guest: Rick Caswell
Host: Kathi Ritchie
Missionary Guest: Tim & Pike
Wednesday 10/23- 10:30am Forever Young
Missionary Guest: Tim & Beth Pike
Wednesday 10/23- 6:30pm Project365
Missionary Guest: Missy Boyer
Thursday 10/24- 6:30pm Missionary Home Groups
Host: Norm & Dana Simon
Missionary Guest: Rick Caswell
Host: Dan & Teresa James
Missionary Guest: Tim & Beth Pike
Host: Nikki Petrillo
Missionary Guest: Missy Boyer
Friday 10/25- 6:30 Missions Banquet
We hope you have purchased your tickets! Key Note: Rick Caswell
Missionary Guests: Tim & Beth Pike
Sunday 10/27- 9:30am & 11am Worship Service
Missionary Guest: Tom & Kathi Moore
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Hats, Gloves, Scarves and Soups!Women’s Ministries: Throughout the months of October and November, our ladies are collecting hats, gloves, scarves and soups for kids in and around our community who are in need. Please bring your donations to the container near the welcome center. Thanks! |